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Thursday, September 3
I had the day off so had a morning at home before our 2 PM flight. Actually our 2 PM flight was delayed until 3:15, but since we were non-stop to Saskatoon we didn’t need to worry about connections. It was great to see my Thomas grandsons (and my daughter and son-in-law).
Friday, September 4
We had an early start to a busy day. Will’s pre-school had its first session today so I had a chance to look after Alex. We had a lovely cuddle while his Mum was gone but I can’t say we are friends just yet. I was just a better choice than the alternative – Grandpa.
Elizabeth, Ray and family arrived from Calgary in the afternoon and it was chaos and confusion until bed time.
Since Kathryn had run out of beds Pat and I moved over to my sister’s home for the weekend. We were just in time to watch Dave on TV as he provided live coverage of the Huskies football game (which they won in overtime).
Saturday, September 5
Party Day. Alex was celebrating his first birthday (a bit early) in the afternoon but there was time for a trip to the park before for the festivities got underway.
Gavin got his first “under duck” from Grandma, and although he smiles all the time, we got several giggles out of him while we played at the swings.
The bouncy castle was a huge hit with all the kids.
There were lots of family on hand for the celebration and I think that even Alex had a good time.
While everyone was getting ready for bed I had a lovely cuddle with Emma and read her a story – with a few rounds of Alice the Camel thrown in for good measure.
Sunday, September 6
Dave, Will and Madison cooked us a pancake breakfast and then we played a few games of hide and seek and had more time in the bouncy castle. Elizabeth and Ray headed back to Calgary after lunch. Those of us left behind had a quiet afternoon before heading over to my sister’s for dinner. My niece and her family joined us so it was another houseful. We celebrated Regan’s birthday (a few days late). The Riders had won the football game so Deloise was safe in serving her Riders cake for dessert.
Monday, September 7
It was a lovely day for yet another family gathering – this time at the farm where I grew up. The farmhouse and yard have been sold so it was our chance to say farewell. There were close to 30 people on hand (from 3 generations) all reminiscing about times on the farm.
Those who were too young to remember the farm in its prime had a good time making new memories.
After a potluck lunch most of us took a hike around the pastures. The old gravel pit was just as much a hit today as it was when we were growing up.
There were several tours through the house and we ended the day with a couple of croquet matches on the front lawn.
Mum and Dad would have loved to have seen all the family “home”.
Tuesday, September 8
After breakfast and packing, there was time for Kathryn, Will, Alex and myself to pay one more visit to the park. Will made his first successful climb up the rock wall.
Alex loved the swings and the slide.