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Friday, April 30

We set off early for our drive from Panorama to Calgary. Not many signs of the snow storm and we had a lovely drive. Aunt Stacia had bought bubble wands for the kids and Gavin and Emma were delighted.



Emma helped Elizabeth make lunch.


After lunch Emma and I took a few turns around the block while Gavin napped. When Madison got home from school there was more bubble fun.



Saturday, May 1

It was a shopping day for Emma, Madison and I. We took the bus to the mall and did some browsing before lunch. We went back after lunch and and made a few purchases. While we waited on the bus we played I Spy and Madison spied a gopher.

Calgary2_5 Calgary2_6

Madison wanted to buy some chocolate covered strawberries, but I convinced her that we could probably make them. Elizabeth bought the strawberries, and Madison and I handled the chocolate. They turned out really well.


At bedtime, there were new pajamas for everyone.


Sunday, May 2

After making sure I was all packed up, the kids and I made another tour of the block – Madison on her scooter, Emma on her bike and Gavin on his ride-along tricycle. It was a fun trip but it ended too soon.