That Fairy Tale Quilt

I picked up this pattern during the CQA quilt show in Vancouver in 2022. I had seen a number of Jen Kingwell’s patterns but really liked the idea of this one. I didn’t read carefully enough though as it wasn’t one of Jen’s, but rather one of her daughters.

I have to admit that I struggled with this one. There were scads of templates that I had to draw and cut onto sandpaper. I didn’t follow the steps as listed in the pattern book (yes, it was a book) but went block by block. In hindsight it might have been better if I’d followed the instructions. As I went along, I had to redo a few of the blocks, and I added a few clouds to the sky.

On a trip to Panorama, Stacia and Deloise helped me pick out the backing for the quilt and it is perfect. I searched through all my fabrics until I found a binding that I was happy with.

It wasn’t until the call for the Guild’s 2025 quilt show came out that I got down to finishing the top.

Can you find the six fairy tales in the quilt?

Someday I hope to have great grandchildren that I can share fairy tales with as we cuddle under this quilt. I quilted it on my domestic Janome.

Here a Chick, There a Chick

At the Guild’s 2023 quilt show there as a display from Woolies on the Coast of a chicken block done in wool felt embroidery. I couldn’t get it out of my mind and before I knew it I had convinced Stacia and Deloise to stitch along with me. Not only did we get that first block but we bought the entire series of six, and each of those six had a bonus block.

I was very tentative in starting out and really didn’t have a lot of confidence when I got to the end. I enjoyed the stitching but was thankful for the pile of embroidery books and youtube videos to help me with the various stitches. I also admit I copied some of Stacia’s ideas.

When it came to putting it all together I made up my own version. I wanted to add all the bonus blocks in with the main blocks so added some appliqué vines and flowers. In the end, I was very happy with it.

The next chore was to figure out a way to quilt the project. For the appliqué blocks I as able to do a mattress stitch but I didn’t want to stitch over the embroidered blocks. I decided to hand quilt those larger blocks. I used a big stitch hand quilting technique to finish the project.

This was an entry into the Guild’s 2025 quilt show.

I saw one block of this on display at the 2023 quilt show and before I knew what I was doing I had ordered kits for six blocks. It is my first attempt at wool felt embroidery. I quilted some of this by hand (another first for me) and some on my domestic Janome.

A Spool of Blue Thread

Author: Anne Tyler

I’m a fan of this author and will read anything she writes. This story is a little harder to describe than many of her others.

The Whitshank’s, Abby and Red, live in the home that Red grew up in. Their four children have left home but Denny really hasn’t settle well at anything. When Abby starts to display some dementia symptoms everyone wants to help out. Denny moves back home but Stem and his family also move into the family home. Their stories cover the first section of the book.

The next two sections take us back to Red’s parents, Junior and Linnie Mae, and the story of how they came together and obtained the family home. It also recounts Red and Abby’s love story. The final section gives us the meaning for the title – a spool of blue thread that appears almost magically.

Goodreads Rating: * * * *


Jessy (from Little Handfuls of Scraps by Edyta Sitar)

I was playing catch-up for the February sewing session with Stacia and Deloise so I was happy that this one was small. It may have been small but there were a lot of small pieces that went into it – 152 to be precise. I admit to having a bit of a head start on my cutting because I used squares that I had already cut for my Postage Stamp quilt. Still, it took some time to get enough pieces cut.

Once the pieces were done it was relatively simple to put them all together. Plus, I had some helpful hints from Deloise who had already done the project.

Quilting was very simple straight lines and I had plenty of time to finish up the January project during our two days of sewing.