Saturday, January 21, 2012
I had four things on my “want to get done” list for today. By noon I had two items finished and another about half done. I completed the edges on the appliqué blocks so I felt I deserved a break from appliqué. I haven’t put it too far out of sight though as I need to keep at it. I’m at the point where I don’t need a full day to accomplish the next steps.

Remember last week when I thought I had finished my cookie tin block and then saw something in the photo that I didn’t like. This morning I took apart the pieces that weren’t right and got the block put back together. Can you see any difference in the two pieces? Did I improve the look?
I started a new project next, but one that I knew wouldn’t take long to complete. I can’t reveal what it is though as it is part of a gift. The piece was a preview to the string quilt technique, and I think I’m going to have fun with it.
The last thing on my list was to cut and sew the binding for my Bench Cover. I still have to stitch down the back edges, but it feels good to be so close to taking that particular project off my list.
When all was done I took a look at the two rooms I’m now using on a regular basis for my crafting and decided a clean up was in order. I put a number of things back into place and vacuumed up the bits of string and material from the floor.
I think I’m done in my studio for the day. I got the approximate measurements for Will’s afghan so I’ll work on it tonight. But first, I need some dinner!