This was such a fun project. At the beginning of the year we each brought a cookie tin filled with a block of our choice, and asked the people in our group to add to it. We included a small notebook that outlined our ideas for the project, and a bit of fabric if we wanted.
Since this was the 25th anniversary of the Guild, and I’m one of the newest quilters, I asked for blocks that recreated either the first block they made, or a block from their first quilt. The pieces I received were all outstanding, and the stories that were included in my notebook are wonderful memories of some of the quilters I most admire in the Guild.

My biggest challenge was to put them all together. All of the blocks were different sizes, but I was able to trim and add borders to even them up. Since I’m new, I didn’t think to keep back enough matching fabric to put together the sashing so I had to dig into my stash to find something that “sort of” worked with the colors. I wasn’t sure I would like the piece when it was finished so I didn’t want to spend any money on it. I bought the backing at the Economy Shop and used it for the binding as well.