Category Archives: Quilting


It was so close to Christmas when we had our Project Tuesday session in December that our organizer took all the choice out of the equation and we all made snowmen.


Can you see his Christmas brooch?

This has found at home with Christy and her family.

Oh Christmas Tree Wall Hanging

This was a Project Tuesday option in November. I chose this pattern because it looked quick and easy. What I didn’t anticipate was how long it would take to stitch down the garland, lights, balls, bells and presents.

I used some beads from Mum’s stash as garland and loved the way it looked. I used red buttons for balls and stitched bells around the bottom of the tree. I had to buy the lights, although I knew I had some somewhere (and I’ve since found them). The presents came from another Guild member in exchange for some of my garland.

I used a template to trace the stars; the rest is free-motion quilting.