In the very early stages of making my Farmer’s Wife Sampler I came across the name of this pattern in a blog I follow. Based on the name alone I purchased it immediately. On a trip through Calgary with Stacia and Deloise I told them about the pattern and they decided to make it as well. Each of us made extra blocks to be added to the backs of our quilts.
I purchased a Kaffe Fassett bundle of fabrics on that trip and started English Paper Piecing a block. With one block finished I changed my mind on some of the layout, based mainly on seeing what Stacia had done. The fabric made my blocks look very scrappy so I tried to calm it down a bit by putting some order into the scraps.
The quilt was finished in time for the 2019 quilt show. Here’s what my label said:
A Jen Kingwell pattern made with Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I bought the pattern based solely on the name – I’m proud to be a farmer’s daughter. Close to 1000 pieces were hand-basted and hand-pieced (EPP). A block from each of my sisters is on the back. Hand Appliquéd and machine quilted. Never Again!
I thought that finishing this large EPP project would allow me to decide if I wanted to do another big English Paper Piecing project (with 17,000 pieces). The answer is NO!