November’s sewing project with Stacia and Deloise involved more baskets, although these were much easier to put together than some of the others.
Everything was pieced – no bias tape, no curved edges – so it went together quickly. I started by quilting only the background squares but decided to stitch around the baskets to make them stand out just a bit more.
This was my October project for sewing with Stacia and Deloise. We decided to take two days for sewing this month and it took me most of two days to get the job done.
This wall hanging is one of the larger ones in the book, finishing at approximately 14.5″ by 21.5″ with 159 pieces.
My friend Gail has three cats. One day as we were cleaning off a surface we came across a pattern that she had purchased and we decided to make together.
This is why I thought Louie would like his “tunnel”
On a trip to Calgary I noticed that Louie liked to hide under this footstool. Madison loved to get down on the floor and visit him in his hiding place.
What looked like a relatively simple pattern took us almost a month of Thursday’s to complete. I was able to purchase the cat fabric from Gail’s stash, as well as several of the layers of padding that the pattern called for.
As a bonus I was able to ship the completed project to Calgary on one of Canada Post’s free shipping Tuesdays.
Somehow I missed this page when I was alphabetizing the projects in the book Stacia, Deloise and I are working from.
It looked simple enough; scraps of fabric sewn together for the centre and more scraps of fabric around the edges. All in all those scraps of fabric consisted of more than a hundred 1″ pieces.
I thought I was making great progress when I had the centre done before lunch. I managed to get the whole thing finished before the day was over. However both Stacia and Deloise had their respective projects finished by noon, proving once again that I will never catch up to (let alone get ahead of) my sisters.