Category Archives: Quilting

Mug Carrier

It was a surprise when Moreen asked me to test her instructions for the January retreat project. I certainly now understand why she picked me. Not only am I not the most experienced quilter in the Guild but also I’m not a fan of bags and such. I quickly agreed as when she made the request we were about to sit down for Christmas dinner at her home.

It didn’t take me long until I was quite confused; I made notes on where my confusion lay but as each new step came up I struggled more and more. Finally, in frustration, I sent Moreen some photos and questions and she immediately suggested a house call.

Moreen was able to get me sorted out but because of something I had done wrong in a previous step the fabric I picked for the lining of the bag had to be the outside. Not a big deal.

My next struggle was with the tab closure. I was working with less than perfect bits of velcro and once I inserted a mug I realized it wasn’t going to stay closed. So I added another circle of velcro and that seemed to do the trick – until I opened the bag and the circle of velcro came off. Out came my glue gun and I stuck that sucker down so it won’t move.

Moreen adjusted her instructions and passed them along to a second tester – a much more experienced quilter. I overheard their conversation and there was only one point where the pattern needed to be improved so I felt I had done a good first test.

Mission accomplished!

Big Red

December 2024

My version of Old Blue by Laura Heine

I started this in 2019 at a Guild weekend workshop. It was set aside until this year when it popped up as my August UFO. I was determined to get it done.

This is the truck in Elizabeth & Ray’s garage that inspired me.

There is something on this for everyone. The truck, obviously, for Elizabeth and Ray, a cat for Madison, butterflies for Asher, lizards for Gavin and daisies in the wheel wells for Elizabeth.

There is even a squirrel – the nemesis in Elizabeth’s garden.

This piece will be entered into the Guild’s 2015 Quilt Show.

This was started in 2019 at a Guild weekend workshop but wasn’t touched for several years, until 2024. The old trucks at the end of a parade were always my daughter’s favourite so this will be gifted to her. I quilted it on my domestic Janome.


December 18, 2024

Grace (from Little Handfuls of Scraps by Edyta Sitar)

I had the easy project for the December sewing session with Stacia and Deloise. Having said that, by the end of the day Deloise was pretty much done and Stacia was very close to being finished.

I feel like I’m learning about colours for projects. I generally want to go scrappy but I’ve learned that organized scrappy often is better. In this case it was scraps of blue and neutrals that I used.

I can assure you that I checked and double-checked the pattern. Those long blue lines are not supposed to meet!

Happy Birthday Mum

November 30, 2024

I was surprised at how many items I had for donation – maybe not as many as in previous years but I’ve done very little yarn work this year unless it was something Taylor had requested I make.

I used up some yarn bits and made some blankets to go with Ken’s cradles. I sent these out to him early in October to take advantage of Canada Post’s free shipping. The package also included a small project I made several years ago.

I made two baby blankets from leftover yarn. They are both very soft.

I managed a couple of scrappy afghans.

This is the first time I have donated any quilted items. This was made with leftover scraps from another project. It hung in the TV room for a couple of years but I decided it was time for it to be passed on.

All will be donated to the Salvation Army. I’ll be happy if something ends up in one of their Christmas baskets but I’m also okay if I see it for sale in their thrift store.