It’s finally done. I’ll send the piece as-is to Kathryn and she will have it framed in Saskatoon. It makes it much easier (and safer) than sending a framed piece.

I can’t say for sure which Christmas I received this kit as a gift. But you can see from the note Kathryn enclosed this isn’t the printing of an adult. I expect it was either Christmas 1986 or 1987.
The earliest photo I can find was taken in December, 2017 – about the time I started concentrating on getting it done. I’ll do the math for you – that’s about 30 years after I received the gift!
And I really have worked hard at it ever since, but there are a lot of stitches in this piece – and a lot of colour changes.
So right back at you Kathryn – “I hope you like it!! I really do”