Category Archives: Movies

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed

February 21, 2015

Finally, some light entertainment at the festival!

Living is EasyThis Spanish movie is based on the true story of a high school English teacher who travels to the Mediterranean coast hoping to meet John Lennon who is shooting a movie there. Along the way he picks up a young, pregnant woman who has escaped a convent and a 16-year-old boy who is running away from home because his father is demanding he cut his Beatle-like hair. Their escapades are very funny and, if the movie is to be believed, Antonio is responsible for the lyrics appearing in the Beatles’ album liners!

Return of the River

February 21, 2015

Return of the RiverHow could such a major environmental project totally escape me? I had never heard of the Elwha River, its dams, the struggles of the Klallam people to restore the salmon river, or the ground-breaking project that removed the dams.

100 years ago two dams were built on the Elwha River to provide power and water to the people of Port Angeles. Although the First Nations knew these dams would destroy the salmon spawning grounds and their way of life, the dams went ahead. By the time the licenses for the dams were up for renewal (after 50 years), the Olympic National Park had been formed and laws had been passed denying any licensing in the park. With great effort and patience, First Nations, environmentalists and ordinary people were successful in not only having the generators shut down but also in having the dams removed.

The salmon have returned to the Elwha River and restoration is on-going.

Everything Will Be

February 21, 2015

EverythingWillBeThis NFB film documents the changes occurring in Vancouver’s Chinatown. Seen through the eyes of 90-year-old street vendors to young artists trying to make a living in the area, the documentary captures a changing way of life and culture in this community. I wish I had recognized more of the shops shown in the film, and I’d definitely like to visit Angelo Tosi’s Italian Grocery (established in 1906).


Alive Inside

February 21, 2015


Alive InsideDan Cohen is a volunteer at a senior’s home. When he brings an iPod (and headphones) filled with music of a certain era and plays it for one of the patients, it is truly astounding to see her reaction. With different music, Henry, a man who has barely spoken in ten years, is suddenly singing! In case after case, patients with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia responded to music that they had an emotional link to – whether it was songs they sang, songs they danced to, or songs that brought back specific emotions. Sadly, this cheap form of therapy (about $40 for an iPod and headphones) isn’t recognized by the health care system and isn’t funded by government.

In a Skype interview with the filmmaker after the screening, he spoke of the generosity of folks in crowds after seeing the film – people donating anything from $250,000 to quadrupling amounts raised by the public. Following the movie, two folks in the audience voiced their wishes to get this happening in Powell River. I definitely want to be part of that.

The thought was also shared that we should be working on our own Music Memory playlist so should we ever be “lost” we can find ourselves again through the music we loved.

The film is available on Netflix – please see it and spread the word.