I’ve managed to empty out one of my bins of yarn. I posted an afghan earlier and I finished another one. Although it is hard to see this actually has four different shades of pink. It is longer and skinnier than I would have liked but it will cover someone’s knees and legs if they are cold.
There were also a couple of skeins of brown in the bin so I made up a couple of hats.
What I’m not showing is the overflowing bin just above where the empty one is. There are all sorts and varieties of yarn in it – mostly for scarves and maybe some hats. I started work on a scarf last night.
We are having a Guild business meeting tonight via Zoom. I hope it works better than the Zoom meeting we were supposed to have with Taylor’s school assembly this afternoon. Taylor is receiving an award of some sort (even Taylor didn’t know what for); the school admitted they had some technical issues and have rescheduled for tomorrow. We have our first Zoom event for the Hall on the weekend and I sure hope someone knows how to work it all.
It is a good thing I managed to get something accomplished last night because I certainly have little to show for today’s time.
This is the first of what I hope will be many afghans for donation this year. It took a bit of time to figure out the crochet stitch and then the limited amount of yarn I had didn’t go as far as I expected. It is a nice lap size though or perhaps for a baby. I have started another one with the same pattern so there will be no rest for my sore wrists.
I certainly noticed the stiffness in my wrists today as I spent most of the day cutting. For a couple of projects I’ll be working on next week I needed several background squares cut – 300 in one size, 150 in another, and 72 in another. Before I’m ready to start working on the projects though I still have to mark sewing lines on 150 of those squares.
I’ve set out another scrappy pinwheel quilt on the floor across the hall; I sent a photo to Stacia and Deloise to get their opinion before I start sewing the blocks together. I’m expecting Pat will be using my computer over the weekend so he can weigh in on my placement too.
Back to normal might just be a dream, but I’m certainly looking forward to getting back on schedule. I’ve enjoyed a long break, stitching whatever I felt like whenever I felt like it. I had my sewing machines back from the technician for a couple of days before I even bothered setting them up.
I haven’t been completely lazy as I finished another two cross stitch quilt block (#12 and #13 of 24). Christy posted, and perhaps challenged me to make, this little snowbird. Mine doesn’t look too much like the pattern because I used what yarn I had on hand and handy, but he is growing on me.
When we were putting things back together in the basement after the renovations Pat had two grocery bags full of old computer manuals. He posted them on Facebook for free but didn’t have any takers. I contacted our local Let’s Talk Trash team who consulted with the Recycle BC folks to find out if they could be recycled. A couple of months passed and the books moved from the kitchen to the laundry room. I did a quick search on the City’s website last garbage day and they say books are not recyclable either at the curb or at the depot. So out they went to the curb with a garbage tag on the bag. I went out for some groceries right after I put them out and when I got back home (before nine) the bag of books was gone! Who knows who took them, or what they will be used for but I’m glad they are gone.
Don’t mind the mess – work is in progress!
I played a bit with lights over the holiday. I had a large clamp-on magnifier light that has been moved from pillar to post across the years – sometimes in use, sometimes just stored away. I most recently had it attached to my “craft” table but it was in the way of plugging in (and unplugging) my iron. So I moved it over to the other side of the desk. But it was so dark and stormy the last few days that it was too dark (the fact that another light bulb had burnt out didn’t help) at my cutting table. So I moved the light over there and it is working really well for me.
Over the years I have spent hours cutting up and storing scraps of fabric. Large pieces get stored back in my fabric cabinet, smaller pieces are stored in a chest that I pull from for small projects. Strips get put in shoe boxes and the smallest pieces go into drawers in a small cabinet separated by size. It takes a lot of time and work to get everything where it should be when I clean up.
Stacia, Deloise and I are planning another retreat in a couple of weeks. I had one project almost ready to go but when I read the pattern I noticed that the technique they used for half-square triangles was completely different from the way I have learned; I’d never seen them done this way. I tested this new method out on a few scraps and couldn’t make it work. So I decided to cut my losses (as in recut the pieces I needed) so I could make the HSTs my way. I was so happy to be able to go to one of my scrap drawers and pull out 100 squares of the right size, as well as some strips that were easily cut into the additional 50 squares I needed.
But all was not lost. One of the projects we will be doing together needed 35 squares and from the fabric that I had pre-cut for that first project only needed to be cut down to give me all the pieces I needed.
I think this is the first time I’ve been able to make extensive use of my fabric scraps. It was definitely worth it this time around so I’ll continue cutting and storing in hopes that I’ll again have just the right sizes for whatever project I have in mind.