Category Archives: Knit & Crochet

A shawl and some scarves

This is made from the yarn that I thought was a bit too fine to go into my scrap afghan. It makes a nice shawl but I needed to add a strip of white to make it long enough. It will make a nice wrap for someone out late celebrating Canada Day.

I had enough yarn left in my bin for a couple of scarves.

This one is the same pattern as I used for my afghan, just fewer stitches.

I tried a couple of different patterns for this blue scarf, and ripped out a couple of patterns too! I decided that simple was the best (and easiest) way to go so ended up with a garter stitch all the way through.

These will all be donations.

Afghans and Scarves

My evening knitting has been going very well thanks to the never-ending series Resurrection:Ertugrul.

This is quite a heavy afghan as it is crocheted with two strands of yarn. It is meant to allow you to use any weight of yarn along with a common yarn throughout. It was good at using up bits of yarn ends without thinking about if it was a lot lighter than the main yarn but it turns out very heavy and, I think, could actually be used as a rug.

On the other hand this afghan is very soft. It is made up of several different kinds of textured yarn but they are all pretty much a similar weight. I tried some other textured yarns in this but they were a bit too light so they got pulled out of the bin for other projects. In fact one of the yarns will be used in a scarf that uses the same pattern.

These scarves were a new pattern for me but I like it and will probably use it again. In this case the yarn was too heavy for either of the afghans.


I finished my eyelash yarn and got three scarves from it – one is long and skinny, one is wider and shorter, and one is done pretty much to the pattern. The black/pink scarf starts with the pink, moves to black and then comes back to pink – it isn’t positioned well in the photo


I’ve added a few scarves to my donation bin over the past few evenings. All of the yarn for these scarves was purchased from the thrift shop.

Although I’ve made this pattern before – once with Stacia and Deloise – I can’t say that I enjoyed the process this time. It is a novelty yarn and you knit through holes in the yarn (that’s what gives the ruffle) but the yarn twisted a lot and it was often hard to find the right spot to insert my needle. Since it was a thrift store bargain it may have been re-wound by a previous owner and that resulted in the twist.

This scarf was easy to make and I finished it in one evening. All done with garter stitch, it is the yarn that gives it the texture. It is a copy-cat version of eyelash yarn but it isn’t as soft as the real thing.