I thought I had already used up all my baby yarn but a deep dive into a wicker basket produced another small bag of yarn. On one of Kathryn’s visits she wondered who would carry on the blankie knitting if I stopped so when I found the yarn I knew I’d better make (and keep) a blankie for someone, sometime.

I started knitting but it was too difficult (at the time) to keep track of where I was in the pattern. So I switched to a crochet pattern that I’ve used several times before with several different yarn types – a shell stitch. Because I was “winging” it I ended up with a blanket that was a nice size but I still had some yarn left. I’ll keep this project in my cedar chest for the day when I (hopefully) have a great grandchild.

With what I had left I made a small blanket and a pillow for Ken to add to his cradles. But there is still just a little bit left so I’ll use that in a scrap afghan rather than throw it out.