Category Archives: Journal

Where do the days go?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

It’s been awhile since I checked in. The days go by quickly, whether or not I actually accomplish anything.

When I’ve had the energy I’ve worked in my sewing room. I have my Stash Buster top finished, as well as the top for my February UFO Challenge. I also have another block almost finished for my postage stamp quilt. One block down but a lot more to go. I must be making progress on something though as I have two bins that are empty and nothing to put in them – for now.

I started cleaning up my sewing room this morning. Most of the clutter is either hidden or put away. I listed a few items for sale on a local site; these are items that I put on another site but had no luck selling. I’ve already had someone interested in some of the items so I’m hopeful they won’t go back into my stash.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading – the books from the library keep rolling in and while I’m picking up books from the hold area I’m scouting the shelves for other books I’ve put in my list. I need to get back into the habit of reading in the afternoon as I found I was really making progress on my pile.

I seem to be avoiding my chickens and my graduation gift but I must get back to both of them. I did some rearranging of my threads this morning. I’m not sure it will make me stitch any faster but at least I felt like I’d paid some attention to the two projects.

I started to crochet an afghan and it is already almost half done. We’ve been watching curling and hockey and a new series on Prime so there has been lots of TV time. In digging out the yarn for this project I emptied another bin from the basement. I’m hoping to move the one from downstairs and the empty one from across the hall and find room to incorporate them into my sewing room. But that will wait for another day.

Now, before I lose my mojo I’m going to work on my chickens. Hockey late this afternoon so more crochet tonight.

Happy Family Day

Monday, February 19, 2024

It’s a holiday today but since I’ve retired long weekends don’t mean the same as they once did. That being said, I’m having a rather slow day and not really getting a lot done.

We got home just after lunch yesterday and for the rest of the day I pretended I was still relaxing on Texada. I unpacked but I didn’t necessarily put everything away. I read in the afternoon – my books from the library were all finished so I had time to pick up one of my own books that I had already started. I’m picking up two more from the library tomorrow afternoon.

It was an early hockey game today so with the bit of time I had this morning I sorted out fabrics for some of the “almost done” projects I have. I cut the first border for my Stash Buster quilt and found (after a lot of looking) the fabric for the second border.

I sorted out the remaining crochet cotton I had left from my tablecloth. I’ll see if I can sell it locally; if not I’ll probably put it back in the bin for something else. I hadn’t picked out another “while we watch TV project” since I finished my tablecloth. I thought I was going to knit the wool I purchased in Ireland into a wall hanging but since I was altering the pattern on that one I decided on something relatively mindless. I’ve started another afghan; once I pulled the yarn for it I was able to empty another bin. I can’t believe how much yarn I still have left though – at least two more afghans for sure.

After the game I numbered all of my 1880 Sampler blocks so I’ll know which of my blocks match the blocks in the layout I’m following. I also cut all the sashing and binding for that project.

I’ll get my bin ready for sewing tomorrow and then do some more reading.

Aah …

Thursday, February 24, 2024

I’m enjoying my week at the studio. The sun has shone almost every day but it is still on the cool side. We got out and walked the nature trail one day and we went out for lunch on Valentine’s Day – there are no restaurants open in the evenings here.

I’ve managed to get quite a bit of work done. My Stash Buster blocks have been put together into a quilt top. I’ll add a border when I get home and then wait for a sunny and warm day to sandwich it on the back deck. I needed to work out some measurements for my Alias Grace blocks and I think I have a plan now. It works on paper anyway.

I’ve been working on the grad gift the last couple of days. Still lots to do but it is going well. I finished my huge book in time to get it onto the library bin at the post office here. I’ll finish the second book tonight. I have one more library book to start so I won’t need to dig into the bookshelf here on this trip.

We’ll be heading home on Sunday but that still leaves lots of relaxation time.

Looking forward

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

It seems every day this week I’ve been working a day ahead.

  • On Monday I was getting ready for Tuesday’s sewing.
  • On Tuesday I was getting ready for today’s session of coffee with Gail.
  • This morning I was getting ready for two days of sewing with Stacia and Deloise.

But what I’m most looking forward to is our week on Texada.