Category Archives: Books

The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana

Author: Umberto Eco

I think I’m done with this author. I loved the first one I read, hated the second one, but was fooled into picking up this one.

There isn’t much of a story to comment on. A man in his early sixties has lost his entire memory due to a stroke. He returns to the village and house where he grew up and searches through boxes and boxes of books, journals and records trying to recreate his memories. It seems to be of no avail as at the end of the book he has regained his memory but he is in a coma (at least that’s what I think happened to him).

I was very tempted to “break the rules” before I was even halfway through the book.

Goodreads Rating: *

A Spool of Blue Thread

Author: Anne Tyler

I’m a fan of this author and will read anything she writes. This story is a little harder to describe than many of her others.

The Whitshank’s, Abby and Red, live in the home that Red grew up in. Their four children have left home but Denny really hasn’t settle well at anything. When Abby starts to display some dementia symptoms everyone wants to help out. Denny moves back home but Stem and his family also move into the family home. Their stories cover the first section of the book.

The next two sections take us back to Red’s parents, Junior and Linnie Mae, and the story of how they came together and obtained the family home. It also recounts Red and Abby’s love story. The final section gives us the meaning for the title – a spool of blue thread that appears almost magically.

Goodreads Rating: * * * *

If Beale Street Could Talk

Author: James Baldwin

This recommendation came from a Facebook group I belong to; it was their February book of the month (I didn’t even know they had a book of the month). It was a small one so I decided to get it from the library and fit it into the pile of my own books that I had already set aside.

Fonny and Tish had been friends since childhood and later make plans to marry. Tish falls pregnant about the same time that Fonny is arrested and sent to jail. Their story reflects the gritty truth about many black lives in America no matter what time period they are set it.

If you like a neat ending you will be disappointed.

Goodreads Rating: * * *

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Author: Lisa See

This is one of the books included in Kathryn’s 2025 birthday bag. I saw the idea on Facebook and decided to pass it along. On her birthday Kathryn received a bag of books (second hand that I’ve pre-read) each wrapped in brown paper. The idea is that once a month (on her birthdate) she can pick a book to read. Each book includes a bookmark of some sort.

This is one of the books that I didn’t pre-read. I’m a fan of Lisa See though and I hope to get it back one day so I can read it.