All posts by Sherry

Table Topper

They are subtle, but can you see the animals?

I attempted to make a table topper that would match a set of placemats. I didn’t have enough of the matching fabric but I thought that these ones would work. As it turned out the colours were completely “off”.

My first mistake was in the cutting. I didn’t cut those centre squares the right size but I thought I could adjust the rest of the pattern to make it work. I couldn’t so I ended up putting it together with my own pattern.

I like the results but I don’t have a need for another topper so I will offer it for sale at the quilt show.

The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana

Author: Umberto Eco

I think I’m done with this author. I loved the first one I read, hated the second one, but was fooled into picking up this one.

There isn’t much of a story to comment on. A man in his early sixties has lost his entire memory due to a stroke. He returns to the village and house where he grew up and searches through boxes and boxes of books, journals and records trying to recreate his memories. It seems to be of no avail as at the end of the book he has regained his memory but he is in a coma (at least that’s what I think happened to him).

I was very tempted to “break the rules” before I was even halfway through the book.

Goodreads Rating: *


~ 13″ x 13″

This was my pattern for the March sew-along with Stacia and Deloise. Because they had both done this one before I had a few notes in my book regarding cutting errors. I tried to follow them but found even with the updated measurements mine wasn’t coming out the right size. I was almost finished when I realized I had completely missed one of the borders. Because I was so far along I chose not to correct my mistake. It finishes a bit smaller than it should have but I’m okay with that as it hangs in the stairwell as part of my collection of small projects.

The fabric I picked for the basket didn’t have enough contrast with the background so I outlined it with a blanket stitch. I’ll keep that technique in mind for another time. Most of the flowers were cut from scraps of fabric I’d used for my One Block Wonder project.


I have joined a wool felt embroidery group this year. Each month we get a new tree pattern and very basic instructions on how to stitch them. I ask a lot of questions and take a lot of photos of other participants’ projects and somehow muddle through. I know I won’t keep up with the monthly schedule but I enjoy working on them.

This is Tree #1 (January)