What happened to summer?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

It was cloudy and windy yesterday but we woke up this morning to more wind and … rain! Pat checked the forecast and it is to be rainy all week. Although I don’t like the hot weather I’m not ready for fall yet. Hopefully this is just a glitch and we’ll get the sun back for September.

I watched another water polo match this morning and this time Canada came out on top. They don’t play tomorrow and their next game translates to a time that is very early in the morning or very late at night. Either way, I expect to be sound asleep and miss it. I’m learning a bit more about the game. There are whistles and horns going almost constantly; I think it is because the players are being mean to one another (penalties don’t seem to be called) or that the time for taking a shot has run out.

I finished appliquéing my blossoms to their background squares. I’ll cut the sashing on Tuesday (or maybe tomorrow) but I’m done with sewing for today. I finished filling an old pillow case of scraps and got it stitched together as a dog pillow. The Guild donates them to the SPCA and it is nice that every little bit of fabric has a purpose.

I picked out a fall cross stitch last night so I’ll be joining the SAL. The pattern is one of Mum’s Hummel’s; I had already planned to make it for Emma (a long time ago) but it fits the criteria so it will be a good incentive to get it done. I’m missing a few colours of floss so unless I can find it locally I may be asking for Kathryn’s help.

For now I’m back to my Advent Calendar.