What’s more exciting than fireworks?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

As we were sitting outside last night waiting for the fireworks to start we watched all the folks walking up and down the hill going to or from the Street Party. At one point I heard someone yell “Bear”; I managed to catch just a glimpse of the bear as it ran past our place andĀ upĀ Omineca. The watch was on from that point and I’ve pinpointed a few signs; I know what direction the bear comes from, I know around the time he is out and about, and I noticed a neighbour down the lane has a motion sensor that was going on and off just before the bear came out.

It was only a few minutes before the fireworks began that our neighbour across the street was out warning people about the bear. It seemed to me like quite a bit of time had passed since the bear was around but, before I knew it, the bear was crossing Duncan again heading back the other way. Our fence is just a bit too high for us to see all the action on Omineca and Pat doesn’t seem interested in taking it down a foot or two! As lovely as the fireworks were, I was much more excited about the bear; I’ll be out there watching again tonight.

I’ve spent the day working on Farmer’s Wife blocks. I had five blocks prepped but only got four finished. The last one was a real challenge; it was paper pieced but there were some Y-seams (which I’m not good at). The papers kept coming off from the back so when it was time to square it up I was missing my guidelines. I’ve put it in the completed box I may redo it because the points are going to disappear into the seam; there are a few others like that but I try not to think about them. For now I’m just happy to say I’ve got 89 blocks done.