Annual sale

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I’m often tempted by garage sales but I resist the urge and stay at home. We don’t need anything and I’d probably come home with things that would collect dust and then find their way to the Economy Shop within a few months. Every now and again though we take a Saturday and visit a few. Friends were having a sale this morning, and the daughter of one of our quilters advertised a sale. I thought I might get some crafting supplies but apparently she isn’t into that sort of thing. We did pick up an adjustable straining basket that fits over the sink, a lamp and a set of four desk filing trays.

We had some time to kill before the next sale started so we went to A & W for breakfast. We thought we would be early when we arrived at Ken and Ernalee’s but there were already lots of cars there. They had tons of stuff; they had cleaned out Ernalee’s mother’s apartment as she has moved into extended care. Now this woman was a crafter but she didn’t have the kind of crafts I was interested in, with the exception of a bag of wooden spools. We also picked up a party perk (that will be perfect for hot water for tea at our house concerts), a small rectangular Corning Ware casserole, and a brooch I will send to Taylor so she can tell back from front on the sweater I knit for her.

We had time to come home and put our purchases away before heading up to the Farmer’s Market. There was a new group performing and one of our friends was playing guitar with them; I get so tired of the same-old same-old people performing I wanted to hear something new. I enjoyed listening to them and watching the people; several friends were also around and stopped to say hi.

And with my afternoon I finished three more blocks for my Farmer’s Wife Sampler. I’m up to 85 finished now but since there are 111 in total I still have a long way to go. I generally feel like I’m running out of choices for fabric options from Mum’s bin, but today I had no trouble at all. I often try to match lights and darks as they do in the pattern photos but I changed it up today and had better luck. I have a lot of that light blue that is in the centre block, and I’ve used it often in my blocks. It is the perfect shade I need for another project I’m doing so I think I’ll steal from the bucket.

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I love that plaid fabric
FW - 1
This is the blue I need!
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This is one where I reversed dark and light.