Saturday April 9, 2016
We hosted the final House Concert of the season last night; I can’t say I will miss these monthly events. I expect we’ll sign on for another season but I will enjoy the break, although Pat has other performers coming through over the next couple of months. One of our regulars hosted a member of the Fretless group that passed through on Tuesday; she said she didn’t realize how much work it was until she had to host someone. She and her husband gave us a nice gift and circulated a card that all last night’s guests signed. It is appreciated when people acknowledge the effort we make.
This recent group, Leaf Rapids, were the nicest people. They arrived on Thursday and spent an extra night with us. The weather was perfect and they went out for walks, did a hike and yet we still had lots of time to get to know them. They did a great show and the highlight (for everyone) was the theremin; it was magical watching Keri play it.
I haven’t been able to settle to much in my sewing room this past week. I attempted one of my Splendid Sampler blocks. Even though it was paper pieced (which I’m usually pretty good at) I had to restitch several parts of it. When it was all put together it was about a quarter of an inch too small; I’ll use it as a card somewhere down the line and start that block over.
My sewing rooms are absolute disasters so I’ll tackle the mess this afternoon. At least it’s a start.