I wish I’d never started

Sunday, July 19, 2015

I finished up a couple of cards this morning; I’m caught up now until after the kids leave and I get back to sewing on a regular basis. Before I was done I managed to lose my glasses somewhere in one of the studio rooms, under one of the piles (I assumed). I looked and looked and when I told Pat he came up and helped me look. I eventually found them and they weren’t buried at all; they were sitting on top of my spraying cloth. I don’t use it often but the last time I spray basted something I obviously didn’t put it away. I have no idea why I was in that area of the room this morning, or why my glasses needed to come off. I think someone should invent a beeper for your glasses like we have for the phone. I’ve never found a chain to keep my glasses around my neck when they aren’t in use.

After lunch I got the filing, sorting and reporting done for the Guild Treasury. I have a meeting on Wednesday with the new treasurer so I’m ready to pass the books to her. I took over from her two years ago so there won’t be much explaining to do. I implemented a few procedures just to keep myself sorted and she may or may not want to use them as well. I also did a bit of Guild library work; why did I think the Library Committee was going to be an easy one?

Then I started rearranging my studio. I should have started by cleaning it but I thought I could do that as I went along. I wanted a few things in places they didn’t fit and I still have quite a few things that need to be switched from one room to the other. In the meantime nothing is where it should be and my computer is about the only thing I have good access to.

It is far from done, but I’m way past done for today!