Friday, July 17, 2015
I have a certain number of things I need to get done before the kids arrive next week. I’m still working on my July birthday cards and my August reminder has already popped up. I had a bit of a scrap on my design wall in colours that would suit one of our Guild members; we’re celebrating her birthday on Tuesday. I added another strip from more of the same fabric; I had a crocheted button left from an earlier card and thought it would work on the card so that was added. I saw pictures online of rickrack wrapped and/or stitched with embroidery floss so I thought I’d give that a try. You can barely see the tiny French knots I added. It was a quick finish and I can move on to another card now.
I made a useless trip to the Red Cross this afternoon. My contact in Nanaimo sent me a batch of inventory numbers because she was away yesterday and didn’t get my numbers to me before I left for the day. When I went to the hospital to attach inventory tags to the equipment, the list she gave me didn’t match the items waiting for numbers. I did a bit of looking around and noticed that the batch of numbers she sent had already been given to items that were on our shelf. I came home and resent my requests; I don’t have a regular shift for a couple of weeks so I’ll have to go in again one day next week to get it all sorted out.
Pat made a rare appearance upstairs in my studio this morning. It was quite a mess (to put it nicely) but I told him I was planning to do some rearranging so I didn’t think I would put anything away until I decided where stuff was going! When I picked up the phone to call Stacia for her birthday I realized I didn’t have a chair that was clear enough for me to sit in while we chatted. Time to do something about that I guess.