
Monday, June 22, 2013

It was a BOND day today but I went well prepared. Spaghetti and Meatballs were on the menu; I thought we had decided pasta was too difficult a meal but there it was on the list so I thought it best to follow it. I got a head start though by cooking all my meatballs yesterday. I made more than enough for lunch so we have some to enjoy at home as well.

I had two compliments today, one to my face and the other heard through the kitchen door. One of the mums-to-be arrived early and wanted to know who was cooking. When Connie said Sherry I held my breath; would she think that was a good thing? As it turned out she was pleased! Another Mum asked it I had made the meatballs; when I said I had she said she’d have to get the recipe from me. There were even a couple of guests who called me by my name; although they don’t say “Hey you”, they seldom are that personal. There were very few leftovers as we had 13 women around the table today.

I was able to hold one of the twins, Abel, for almost an hour. I just had my plate ready and sat down to eat when his Mum asked if I wanted to hold him. I wasn’t about to say no, so we snuggled until Mum was done lunch and ready to go home (she had to leave early for a medical appointment). It put me behind in my clean up by the time I ate my cold lunch, but I didn’t care. Our outfits even matched; we both were wearing yellow but my shirt had a few sauce splashes on it. I didn’t worry though because if I held Abel just right he covered them up.

There were a few stops I intended to make on my way home, but decided it would be better to make them on a day I wasn’t wearing a spaghetti-sauce splashed shirt. What a day to have forgotten my apron!