Thursday, May 28, 2015
I spent all morning preparing my year-end report for the Guild. My records were in good shape but when I tried to balance, using a couple of different ways of looking at the figures, they didn’t match up. I re-added and double-checked and finally got the totals almost the same; the expenses were over by $40 and the income was short by $40. At that point I realized the figures were probably correct but something was recorded in the wrong spot. It didn’t take too long (about June to January) to find the error. All this trouble just a day after reassuring the person they hope will be the next Treasurer that it was an easy job and she’d have no trouble doing it!
I left for my Red Cross shift a bit early because I wanted to drop off the bags of books for the Friends of the Library. When I arrived at the library it was closed for the day; there was a sign on the door but I didn’t get out of the car to read the fine print. I also had some recycling to drop off at the depot but I was still early for my shift. I decided to take the two bags of books to the new Willingdon Creek residential care facility; I heard that they left all their books behind because of a silverfish problem. They were happy to get them and I was glad to give them.
When I arrived at the Loan Cupboard one of our new volunteers was working. She needed a refresher on the computer program and she also had a few questions. By the time we had gone through everything the volunteer that I knew I’d be training in the afternoon had arrived. He was a quick learner and had no problem with the computer; he also was a whiz at sanitizing the equipment. Turns out he is an orthopaedic surgeon so he certainly knows his way around the equipment we loan out! I’m not sure why he isn’t working in his field; perhaps he doesn’t have his Canadian qualifications.
Now that my figures balance I’ll type up my year-end and month-end reports for the Guild. I’ve been working on a new card idea and I might be able to finish it off before dinner.