Bear watch

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

DeerI read on Facebook this morning that a bear was spotted at the library early yesterday afternoon. I kept watch throughout the morning but no bears were to be seen. I did see a couple of deer enjoying the green grass and roses across the street though!

We had some great news today! I’ve mentioned that the kids are all coming up at the end of July for an early birthday celebration. We first booked an entire home on the beach so everyone could stay together (except Pat and I) but shortly after we thought the arrangements were made we were told that a longer-term rental had taken over one of the spaces. There were still two suites available and it was possible the three families could squeeze into them. We later found another rental on the same beach and booked it for the third family, except it wasn’t available for the first couple of days This morning Pat had a message that the third suite in the first house was now available so we accepted it. We will keep the suite at the other place and Pat and I will be able to spend a few nights at the beach as well. This is what I wanted at the beginning so I am beyond thrilled.

I spent most of the day working on cards, although we had visitors throughout the afternoon. Carola came over to look at the books I was giving away (she took a few home with her); we sat out on the front deck but it was too hot for me. Shortly after she left our friends Phil and Diane stopped by with their 3-year old grandson; Diane and I sat on the back deck and it was much cooler.

My crochet project continues in the evenings. I think we’ll finish up the Torchwood series tonight; we always wonder if we’ll be able to find anything else to watch but so far Netflix hasn’t let us down.