What took so long?

Monday, May 4, 2015

While I had my morning coffee, I finished the hand stitching on the last of my Mother’s Day projects; good thing as I needed to get them in the mail this morning, along with a birthday card. We needed some potatoes and carrots for the stew for dinner, and I loaded the car with an assortment of bags for the recycle depot. I had all the errandsĀ done, except the recycling, and was home before noon. The recycling centre is closed on Mondays so I’ll drop it off tomorrow either before or after the bee.

IMG_6415I wanted to work on my miniature quilt blocks today; I’m following patterns that come as a quilt-along and today they were releasing the May block. It took me all afternoon to make this 4″ block. Why? Well I sewed all of the four quadrants together before I realized I had put them together backwards. Next I got them put together the right way, but I had cut off the points. Third time was, relatively, lucky.

I’m hand piecing these blocks and it was good to know that my stitching is very secure. In fact, it wasn’t easy picking out my seams. I have been knotting the seam every few inches but once I did the first round of reverse stitching I realized that wasn’t necessary. It didn’t speed things up much but I’m not so worried now that they will fall apart.

I’ll get packed up for tomorrow’s bee and then head back to some more hand piecing.