First of the season

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Just before I went to bed last night I glanced out the window and saw the first cruise ship of the season going by. They will be a regular occurrence throughout the summer, often one following right behind the other or one going out and one heading in.

I woke up with a bad headache. When I am in the middle of them I always try to figure out what might have triggered it. I didn’t have any chocolate and I don’t drink red wine. Maybe I haven’t been drinking enough water? Maybe it is allergies kicking in? I certainly haven’t been flying and I don’t feel like I have a cold or sinus issues. I never really know, and when it is over I promise myself I’m not going to try to figure it out next time. I’m going to go with the allergy excuse this time.

After my first cup of coffee I took some meds and crawled back into bed. I never really fell asleep, but I did doze. I felt a bit better when I finally did get up, but once the meds wore off the headache was back.

Pat was participating in a benefit concert this afternoon so I went out to the theatre for that. One of the choirs in town was performing their Spring concert and raising money for iPods for our local seniors suffering from dementia in all it’s forms. They had an excellent turn-out so hopefully they raised substantial money.

I’ve got a strawberry-rhubarb crisp in the oven for supper tonight and Pat has gone out for some ice cream to top it off with. I have time to do a bit of hand stitching before TV time (and I hope to finish the heels on a pair of socks).