Sleeping in?

Friday, April 24, 2015

I heard the rain this morning at about five and got up to close the window. After a trip to the bathroom I was wide awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. After an hour I gave up trying and got up. By the time I had checked email and Facebook, and played a few games, I was ready to go back to bed. I managed to get to sleep this time and I didn’t wake again until 9:30. I don’t think it counts as sleeping in though when you are just replacing the few hours you missed during the night. What do you think?

I had the entire day in my studio and I wish I had more to show for it. I finished up a couple of cards and started on a new project – well three new projects actually because Mother’s Day is approaching. The pattern came to me through a blog and I thought I could make it simpler than the author. That was my first mistake! I measured out three pieces of background fabric and when I started to mark grid lines on them I realized they were the wrong size; too short so I had to start again.

This time I cut lengths of fabric that could be stitched into the larger pieces for my background. Somehow the math just didn’t work out; the good news is I had only cut one piece.

On my third try I went back to the pattern and cut and sewed everything exactly as I was told to do. As a result of all those mis-startsĀ I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked.

I’m hoping to finish the top of Madison’s socks tonight and maybe get a start on the heel. If I don’t get these done soon summer will be here and they won’t be wearing socks!