Sticking to my schedule

Monday, March 30, 2015

I only have a few days before I leave for Calgary and time is at a premium. I have a schedule in my head of what needs to be accomplished before I go. As of today I am on schedule, but not ahead of it.

I spent most of the morning organizing our paperwork for income tax. I needed a few office supplies so headed out to the dollar store just before lunch. The papers are packaged together for Pat’s accounts, my accounts, our joint accounts and my business account. I’ll get them in the mail first thing in the morning and the accountant should have them by Wednesday. That will give her plenty of time for her calculations and to do some back and forth (if she has any questions) before the April deadline.

While I was out I stopped at the grocery store and got the ingredients I need to make Hot Cross Buns. I never worry too much about how they turn out – with enough butter and icing they are always good. Since moving here though my dough rises so much it lifts the lid off the bread maker and is a very messy clean-up. I think next time (next year?) I will decrease the amount of yeast by about 1/4 teaspoon. This seems to be the general consensus on the internet.

Last on my list for the day were my Guild reports. I usually do them Thursday morning but, because of the quilt show, there are more of them to do and they are quite long. Of course it didn’t all balance the first time through, or the second time, but I finally found my mistake and it is all good now.

I don’t have much work time left in the day (I quit at supper time), but I still need to pack up my sewing for the bee tomorrow. I also want to dig out my sock yarn as I have a couple of pairs of socks to make for the Calgary crew. I know I won’t get them done before I leave, but maybe I can get them done while I’m there. I’m going to buy another set of needles so I can work on two sets at one time. That way I can be sure of the measurements for Emma and Gavin even if I don’t get the socks finished.