New uniforms

Thursday, March 26, 2015

I had a few errands to do before my Red Cross shift so I left the house early. I stopped at the bank and then moved on to the Economy Shop. The Hospital Auxiliary have new smocks and I hadn’t picked mine up yet. It took some time, but the staff eventually found the person in charge and I got my new uniform. Next stop was the post office – Easter presents are in the mail.

The new Auxiliary smock is very nice – a deep burgundy colour with gold embroidered lettering. It is just a front and back piece with ties on both sides. They are totally useless for the Red Cross folks though as they won’t protect your clothes when you are down on your hands and knees washing wheelchair wheels and the other assorted cleaning that is part of our duty. The ties don’t stay done up either and I understand there have been a lot of complaints.

Because we are “special” the Red Cross crew are able to keep the old smocks – very much like a lab coat but in a really sickly turquoise green. We were told to wear the new apron over the old smock but I don’t think anyone is doing that. Most are changing from one to the other depending on what they are doing.

Because I was busy with the computer entry and new inventory I didn’t start on the washing until the door closed to the public. And then I forgot to change uniforms and ended up washing in the new apron. I managed to keep myself quite clean this time, but I must remember to change in the future.

We didn’t make it to the movie last night so we’ll go tonight. In the meantime I’m going to sit in the sun and read.