A day of finishes

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I had almost the entire day at home today. I had to make a quick trip out to pick up some Easter treats as some of my grandchildren don’t enjoy chocolate (what family did they come from?). As you can see, I spent a lot of time updating and reorganizing my website; there may be a way to stop all the “old” stuff from coming to you again, but so far I haven’t found it.

While I was out I picked up a new book at the library. Since I only had a few pages left to read in my March off-the-shelf book I sat down after lunch and finished it. I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up my Easter projects; I hadn’t intended to get them all done but when Pat saw them he thought I should have them all finished and a photo taken before I sent them on their way. You’ll have to wait until Easter to see what I’ve done, unless you are on my Easter mailing list!

We’re off to the movies tonight but I should have time before supper to get a couple of parcels ready for the mail tomorrow.