Bee day

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I bragged yesterday that everything was already packed in my car for the bee today. So why was I late getting out the door? About the time I should have been leaving I was making my lunch. That was supposed to be an easy task because there was supposed to be cold meat and buns left from my weekend lunches. But Pat ate the meat for his lunch yesterday so I was left with a very limited choice. I ended up with a plain bun and butter and an apple. I didn’t mind though because mostly I eat a sandwich for the pleasure of the bun (and every time I eat a sandwich I say a little thank you for not suffering from celiac disease). We were celebrating a birthday with cake and other treats so I probably could have skipped the lunch I made.

March 24_1We were still at the hall in time to help set up and make coffee. There was a huge crowd today and most, like me, were still working on their mystery quilts from the weekend. I started the day by doing the ripping out and restitching that needed to be done and expected to fly through the next step. All those little pieces turned themselves into bigger pieces and I still didn’t have a complete block made.

March 24_2By the end of the day I managed to get one (of twelve) blocks finished. It is exciting to do the first bit of each step but after ten or twelve of the same thing it gets a bit tiresome. I’m nearing the end but I don’t think I’ll meet the challenge of having the flimsy done for the next business meeting.

I did a bit of work on my Easter project last night before giving up in favour of my book. I’ll try to finish up the pieces that have to go in the mail tonight and tomorrow before continuing on with the pieces I’ll take to Calgary with me. My April card reminders have popped up so I won’t run out of things to do.