Mystery Solved

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I moved right along with the mystery today and got finished up to Step 10 (remember there are 13 to complete the project). People were commenting on how quiet I was; I’m not aware I’m that noisy at any time but I was really concentrating today. People who are much more experienced than I were reverse stitching on several steps so I didn’t want to make a mistake.

Well I tried not to make any. A couple of my pieces didn’t line up to my liking so I redid them. I started on Step 11 and was halfway through the first step when I realized I was using the wrong colour in one spot. After I had reversed stitched those pieces I thought I should quit for the day as I was obviously tired.

A couple of folks had their tops put together by the end of the day, and most of us had enough pieces together that we could see how our block would look. As a friend helped me lay my pieces out she noticed I had a mistake in about Step 8 so there will be more reverse stitching to do before I can move ahead.

Mystery SolvedBut, with the errors covered up nicely, this is how the block will look when it is stitched together. I’m quite happy with it.