My head is barely above water

Friday, March 20, 2015

My head is barely above water but it isn’t because there is a storm brewing outside. I can’t remember the last time I felt so far behind – in everything!

Granted the quilt show took a lot of prep and when I brought everything home from the show it more or less (mostly more) got dumped on whatever surface I could find in my studio. Pat is off to a music equipment swap and wanted to borrow some of my bins so I emptied two bins pretty much on top of the first pile.

I spent all morning preparing Pat’s accounts for his GST – only to find out that the accountant had sent the wrong file to me and I had to start it all over again after lunch. About an hour ago I decided I was done for the day but then realized I wouldn’t be able to get back to it until next Wednesday because my days between then and now are all full. So I ploughed on and have the data entry done; there is still more work to be done but hopefully I can squeeze it in between other tasks. With my upcoming trip to Calgary I need to get our income tax documents in order for the accountant before I go.

I prepared a preliminary report for our quilt show meeting last night but received a ton of new receipts that I’ll have to write cheques for and prepare a new statement. Everyone who sold anything in our Boutique also gets a cheque. Since I’ll be seeing many of the folks at the Mystery Quilt weekend on Saturday and Sunday, I really should try to get the cheques written and distributed.

My e-mail hassles are being taken care of gradually but as of this morning I was still getting more mail to my Yahoo account than to my new Telus account. I’m behind on book and movie reviews as well as postings on my website.

I’d better get busy now and find the fabric (which is already cut) for my mystery quilt, clean my sewing machine and get ready for the weekend class. I’m hoping it won’t feel like work once I get there.