Busy busy

Thursday, March 12, 2015

I sat in my chair for an extra long time this morning; there was fresh coffee so I indulged in a second cup. By the time I got upstairs I only had an hour before I needed to leave for my Red Cross shift. Part of the problem of being ready for the quilt show early is that when they send the final “how to prepare your quilts” you might have to repackage them. It was a relatively easy job putting the temporary labels on the front of the quilts (rather than the back), and I untied the bags and folded the opening under the projects.

I needed to leave for my shift a bit early because I had some errands to get done beforehand. Our Guild President needed to sign some cheques, and then I made a stop at the bank to pick up floats for the weekend. Finally I got to the Red Cross and had a very busy shift; it was past three before I got away.

I told Carola that I would stop in at her place and pick up some of the things she needed to take to the show tomorrow. She is one of our vendors so has a lot more stuff to take than I do – well in theory anyway. She is far from ready and still working on quilting some of her projects. In fact we spent quite a bit of time searching her house for one of those projects. I ended up pricing some books and buttons for her; I came home and printed some name tags for her and ordered some coffee for pick up tomorrow.

I have all my tasks done now so I’ll relax with my knitting – it will be an early start tomorrow and a busy day