Rain rain go away

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

We’ve had such lovely weather lately – why couldn’t this rain stay away until after the show? I’ll be inside most of the weekend, but taking things in and out of the hall will be a real pain if the rain keeps up. It’s windy too; the Texada ferry was doing a “weather run” but since there is no afternoon ferry on Wednesday from Comox we don’t know if it is stormy out on the strait. As I look out my window at the rain coming down sideways, I think I may see a bit of hail mixed in.

I had to make a trip out to the bottle depot today. I’ve had bags of cans and plastic bottles, as well as cases of wine bottles, in the trunk of my car since Christmas. I’ll need my trunk for transporting things on the weekend so I had to get rid of them. We seem to accumulate a lot after a House Concert and we’ve had two of those since my last trip. I don’t think I’ve done a return since Christmas so there were lots of cans from then as well.

While I was out I dropped off a couple of pillows at the SPCA. When I’m cutting fabric and batting, all the scraps go into an old pillow case. When the pillow case is full I close it up and it is perfect for use as a dog (or cat) pillow. With all my finishes for the show I’ve had lots of scraps. I also stopped in at the bank and made the Guild deposit.

After lunch I got busy on my Easter projects; I’m having a lot of fun with them but no finishes or photos yet.

We’re off to the movies tonight!