I’m sure it was a beautiful day

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I’m sure it was a nice sunny day – if you happened to be above the flog bank! We’ve been more or less fogged in for the last couple of days; the ferry horns are sounding all the way out and all the way in. I haven’t heard that flights aren’t arriving, but I was up near the airport today and they had the same fog as we had.

It was a bee day though so it was all good. When Pat and I did some layout work on my Blossom quilt a week or so ago there were ten flowers that I needed to replace the centres of. I got six of them finished today. I was lucky that, except for one flower, I was able to remove (and replace) only the centre. When I did the initial stitching I knotted off each petal from the other and from the centre. That saved me a lot of time! I had also neglected to pre-cut fabric for one of the flowers; I had the fabric with me and I was able to re-use one of the papers from the rejected hexagons. I thought they might not hold up to a double stitching but it worked fine. Because the paper pre-cuts are so reasonably priced, I probably can save myself a few dimes – but every bit counts!

I got a lot of work done on my slippers last night but I don’t think I can completely finish them tonight. I’ll give it a try though.