It isn’t really sleeping in, is it?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

What a great show last night. It was a smaller crowd (only 20) but David Sereda was very popular with everyone. We started right on time (7:30) and he didn’t finish until ten; I think the intermission was shorter than usual so it was a really long concert compared to most.

We got a bit of the house put back together last night and a load of dishes went through the dishwasher. David brought me a bottle of wine so while he had a bowl of soup I drank some wine – it would have been rude not to right? Pat and David were drinking red, so I had all the white to myself.

We were having a great chat and the topic of Irish whiskey came up so the bottle of Jameson came out. I headed to bed about 2:30; I don’t know what time Pat and David gave up.

I admit I was the “old cow’s tail” as Mum (or was it Dad?) would have called it. I justified myself though by saying if you don’t go to bed until really late is it really sleeping in when you get up at ten?

Needless to say nothing much is being done today. I went down the hill for coffee with Carola and I sewed a sleeve on one of her show quilts while we chatted. I’m going to get out my book now and, if I don’t fall asleep, I may get it finished.