A bit of spare time

Saturday, March 7, 2015

You will see from the posts below that I had some time on my hands today in spite of getting ready for the show tonight.

I was troubled all night about the project I had problems with yesterday. At the end of the day I thought I had it sorted out and was glad, after the last-minute cleaning was done, to have time to give it another try. Sadly, no luck. I tried, and tried, and tried some more and at one point I decided the flying geese could take a flying leap! I gave it a rest, greeted and chatted with our guest and tried again.

The pattern called for squares of a certain size and then cut into different numbers of triangles. The first attempt yesterday had geese with totally different wing spans, points that didn’t match up, and a block that wasn’t anywhere near the right size. I found a site online that showed a technique of making four geese using squares, and it provided measurements on how much to add to get the correct finished size. I tried and tried again and ended up with lovely flying geese that were either too big width-wise or to big length-wise.

Another break, and I went back to the pattern. This time I cut the squares, but didn’t recut the squares into the triangles. And (drum roll please) it worked. I have geese with even wing spans and points that match! The block is still bigger than it is supposed to be but I’m telling myself it was a mistake in the pattern.

I’m sorry for all the repeat posts below, but I needed to get some of my “old” pages regenerated as posts so they would fit into the right categories. There are still many changes to make, but I’m slowly getting to where I can start tagging the items; another huge job but one, I hope, doesn’t mean repeated journal entries.

We have a smaller crowd for the show tonight but I’m sure it will be wonderful.