Some days I just don’t get to it

Friday, March 6, 2015

I neglected to make a journal entry yesterday. It was my usual Thursday – Guild meeting prep work, Red Cross shift, a few errands (bank, post office and birthday shopping) and then two meetings in the evening. When I got home from my shift I sat for a cup of coffee and just didn’t feel like getting up again until it was time for supper and my meetings.

As expected the Guild meetings last night were lively and busy – I’ll have lots of updating and work to do this last week before the show. I signed up for a few shifts in the boutique, as well as a stint at the raffle table. I’ll still have lots of time to shop, although I’m not very impressed with the vendor choices this time around.

It was nice to have a scheduled day at home (today) on the day before a House Concert (tomorrow). I got all my cleaning done this morning, with the exception of a couple of things that can wait until tomorrow. We still need to rearrange the furniture and set up chairs but we have a smaller crowd this time and we know where everything has to be set.

Pat offered to take me out for lunch; I was afraid it was just a ruse to get me to do the grocery shopping “while we were out” but it was just lunch. I spent the afternoon sewing on a couple of small projects; one worked and the other one didn’t but neither of them are ready to be shown yet.

I’ll start my third (and final) pair of slippers tonight; Christy has already passed along my next project!