A little shopping on my way

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Since it was a Red Cross day I didn’t plan to do any stitching. I didn’t really plan to do any paper or computer work either but I had a Guild deposit that needed to be done so I took care of that. Then I moved on to cleaning; with all the stitching and the film festival my slack-already cleaning schedule was way behind. Pat has a meeting here tonight so it was a good incentive to get it done.

I left early for my Red Cross shift because I had a few stops to make. I dropped off the grocery bag holders at BOND; Connie, who likes to chat, wasn’t in today so it was a quicker stop than I allowed for. There was no line-up at the bank and then it was on to the recycle depot. Pat had a big box that some equipment arrived in and it was taking up a lot of space in the laundry room. In my cleaning frenzy I volunteered to take it to the depot. Again it was a quick stop so I headed over to the economy shop to kill some time before my shift.

I really didn’t have anything in mind when I decided to stop, but once in the door I recalled that I was going to look for some music books for Dylan; he can use them for playing tunes on his recorder. The quest for music books took me past the fabric so I stopped to look. The person who normally does the sorting for the shop has ben ill; Marianna is a quilter and there is seldom anything good on the shelf. But today I snatched up a couple of packages of flannelette and some cute printed cotton that I can use for community quilts. I found a couple of books for Dylan, as well as one for myself. My time (and money) was well spent.

It was busy at the Red Cross but I managed to keep up with everything and was out of there shortly after two. I’m waiting to hear from Carola; if she is home and not busy I’ll go down for coffee. While I wait to hear I think I’ll do some reading; my February book is good, but rather slow going.