Four times around

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Guess what I’ve been doing all day. You’re right, I’ve been quilting. I made three straight-line passes around the quilt; one to frame the star and two more to frame the coloured border.

The outer border was wide enough that I felt it needed some quilting, but neither Pat nor I could come up with a plan that worked. I thought some of our ideas would detract from the softness in the straight lines I already had, and others seemed like they would be too hard. Manipulating the quilt isn’t easy on the straight lines and I didn’t think my skills were up to any free-motion.

In the end we decided to cut down the outer border to match the inner white border and not do any quilting. Once the sides were cut down I made the sleeve and the label and stitched on the binding (the fourth time around). I made the binding at the Tuesday bee a couple of weeks ago; I’m glad I had that done or I wouldn’t have been able to finish today.

Yes, you read that right. I have finished Hubble except for the hand stitching! There will be some celebratory wine sipped tonight and, hopefully, a pair of slippers finished.