Distracted or avoiding?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

My intent for the day was to clean up my sewing room and get started quilting. When I started the clean up I decided to do a bit of re-arranging first. That led to sorting through fabric bins and boxes; the good news is that I didn’t find any projects that hadn’t already been recorded in my quilting journal. Sadly there were no finishes hidden away either.

Once everything was tidied and the vacuuming done I decided to carry on and clean out my cutting room. That led to putting things away into my Tickle Trunk; while I was in there I found several items that I can put into the quilt show boutique. I had some April birthday presents hidden away inside and dug those out while I had the lid open.

Then I started cleaning up in the hallway between the two rooms. I treated myself to a new set of bamboo circular needles; the set is the kind where you screw on the proper sized points and the loop in the centre stays the same. That meant I could get rid of some of my plastic circular needles; they are packed to go to the quilting ladies on Tuesday.

Once the vacuum was put away I cleaned and oiled my sewing machine; I wound some bobbins and put in a new needle.

I’m set to go now, although I may just add a piece or two to the puzzle I’m making. I think I’m avoiding!