On my knees

Friday, February 13, 2015

Tissue HoldersI was up early this morning and in my sewing room just past seven. Kathryn asked me some time ago if I would make her some tissue covers from the nursing fabric I used on her tote bag. I totally forgot about it until I reached into my own packet one morning. They are easy to make and I had just enough of each of the three fabrics for one packet. They were done and ready for the mail before nine.

Hubble PinnedIt took almost four hours of crawling on my hands and knees on the kitchen floor, but my Hubble quilt is ready for quilting. I used all my small quilting pins, I used all my medium quilting pins, and I used a fair number of my large quilting pins. When everything seemed nicely pinned, I basted the edges around the entire quilt. My knees and hips ache, and my finger tips hurt from too many pokes; the good news is that I still really like the quilt.

I made a quick trip out in the pouring rain this afternoon for thread and knitting needles. My final test for the Little Red Riding Slippers worked well so I’ll start them “for real” tonight.

I need to do a quick clean on my sewing machine as well as get some vacuuming done in my sewing room before I start quilting. Why did I think white was a good idea? Maybe I should spend a bit more time on my knees praying everything works as planned.