How do you do it?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday is my day for cleaning the house. And before Pat sends me a comment let me say that this is a very recent addition to my schedule! It worked well up until Christmas but over the holidays we had company and I missed a week. I did a bit of cleaning up when we took down the tree; Pat even vacuumed. But today was supposed to be the day.

I knew we had an appointment at the bank this morning but I got the dishwasher emptied and one of the bathrooms cleaned first thing. While I had a second cup of coffee I came upstairs to work on reversing the letters for my appliqué. It took a couple of tries, but I managed to sort it out. I got the letters cut out and then it was time to leave for the bank. The appointment took longer than I expected and by the time we did a bit of shopping and grabbed a coffee the morning was pretty much gone.

I wanted to spend the afternoon focused on getting the card finished. All was going well until I started the appliqué stitching. First my thread was breaking so I changed my needle a couple of times. Next I started breaking needles and that was really frustrating. I took a lunch break and gave up on getting the card finished today. The afternoon went much better though and I had the card done in time to make a quick trip to the post office and get it in the mail just under the cut-off. Canada Post has guaranteed me it will arrive before Will’s birthday. Should I start worrying now?

Anyway, back to cleaning. I’m pretty sporadic when it comes to a cleaning schedule. In the past I’ve tried to do a little every day, a little here and there, or none at all until we’re having company and doing it all. I liked the way the one day a week schedule was working; if I had a cleaning person they’d only be here once a week. Because Wednesday is a volunteer-free day we often have other things to do, and if there is any excuse at all the cleaning gets set aside. How do you keep up with your housework?