The day’s gone

Friday, September 19, 2014

I had so much I wanted to get done today but the day is almost over (at least my productive part of the day) and I still have a pile of things to do. I was attempting to get all my paperwork cleared away so I could focus on getting ready for our trip.

After our Guild potluck last night there were lots of updates to do to our website; I also had money that needed to be taken to the bank. Those two things got finished, but that is about all. I have made a few more lists, broken down by the day they need to be done. I still need to finish Pat’s accounting and get some pre-payments done on some bills that will be due when we are travelling. Since I will miss the next Guild meeting (again!) I need to get my reports ready for the President. I did some laundry today and several of my items went from the drier into my suitcase so at least I can say I’ve made a start on my packing.

I’ve done enough work for today so I’ll relax with some knitting.