I can still do it

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I did the 10K Terry Fox Walk this morning. Part of the registration form asked how many times you had done it. I was in Yellowknife the year of the first Terry Fox Walk. I remember it as a rainy day and, with three kids, there was no way I could get out to walk. In 1987, when we moved to Port Coquitlam, I decided to make the walk/run a yearly event. In the past twenty-four years  I’ve missed only about six. I’ve done it with the dog, I’ve done it with my kids, I’ve done it with my Grandkids, I’ve done it with Pat, and I’ve done it alone.

This morning I started out as soon as the registration opened. I knew I was making good time when I came to the first water stop and the water was nowhere in sight. At the second water stop they were just getting set up, and when I reached the “cheer you on” crew at the Post Office they said I was the first one through (they also said I must have found a shortcut but I didn’t). One of the grocery stores always does a nice pancake breakfast but I was too early for that when I crossed the finish line. I was back home sitting in my chair just two hours after starting the walk. It may take me two hours to get back to that chair tomorrow morning, but I was glad to get out walking.

I was only home for a few minutes before we headed out to Lund. They make and sell the beautiful Pollen Sweaters and I wanted one for our trip to Ireland. They are made from pure wool, but are completely washable and dryable. I have one of their bamboo ponchos, which I’ll use on the plane, but the cardigan style I got should keep me warm if the weather is cold or wet when we are out and about. No trip to Lund is complete without a stop at Nancy’s Bakery. Her “regular” cinnamon buns were all gone but Pat picked an apple cinnamon bun and I had a raspberry and dark chocolate!

I’ve decided not to fuss so much about getting things done over the next week before we leave. Today I dug out some cross stitch and I’ll enjoy an afternoon of stitching before heading back to my knitting for the evening.