Feeling restored

Friday, September 5, 2014

It’s hotter than ever out this afternoon – 30 degrees and humidity off the charts. Our spot has a small window air conditioner but it keeps the whole place cool. Severe thunderstorms are possible for tonight and we both think that might be kind of fun. On the other hand there was a person struck by lightening and killed not far from here at about the same time we were driving and seeing a storm brewing. We’ll watch from inside with our running shoes on!

While Pat had his afternoon nap I did some knitting. I’m not saying I didn’t want to sleep but I want to be able to sleep tonight. I made a deal with myself – if I finished the sock I was working on before Pat got up I could have a snooze. You’d be surprised at how fast those needles can knit under those circumstances. I did a bit more than snooze though as I had that “I don’t want to wake up feeling” when Pat got up.

We debated whether we would do our exploring on foot or by car but decided if we stuck to the shady side of the street we’d be okay on foot. We stopped at the first coffee shop we found though and I’m enjoying an iced coffee and half a cookie.

We’ll see how long we last in the heat but a couple of places have caught our attention. The Milky Whey is a specialty cheese shop and Olive Your Favorites sounds like it might be a fun place for something to eat!