Mission “not quite” accomplished

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 6_3Day 6_4I had a wonderful week with Dylan and Taylor. We kept busy, visiting a different beach every day and, on the last day, revisiting their favourite. No surprise that the favourite was Donkersley Beach. The kids “talked” to Mum and Dad every night via FaceTime and didn’t seem to be homesick, although I know they were happy to be on their way home on Friday.

I flew the kids to Vancouver on the return trip. That had been the plan from the start, but since Taylor was car sick on the way up it was a good plan . Christy took half a day off work on Friday and met us when we arrived downtown. It was a quiet weekend with a bit of shopping, a few trips to the park and ice cream cones to end the weekend.

When we booked this trip several months ago the plan was that while the kids were here Christy and Rick would be putting the finishing touches on their new home and they hoped to be moving on the long weekend. I was to be with them to help where I could, and to look after Taylor while Dylan and Christy got settled for the school year in the new school.

The renovations are taking longer than expected (don’t they always) so the move didn’t happen. And with the school strike there was no school for Dylan, either at his old school or his new one. Taylor’s pre-school has also been affected by the strike. I hope I’ll be invited back to do my part when the move happens, whenever that might be.

It’s nice to be home – even if it is for a very short time.